Online Auction, including Land With Seven Garages Which Form Part Of A Larger Block Price Information*Guides are provided as an indication of each Seller's minimum expectation. They are not necessarily figures at which a property will sell for and may change at any time prior to Auction. Unless stated otherwise, each Lot will be offered subject to a reserve (a figure below which the Auctioneer cannot sell the Lot during the Auction). We expect the reserve will be set within the guide range or no more than 10% above a single figure guide. Please check our website regularly at, or contact us on 01622 608400, in order to stay fully informed with the up-to-date information. *An Administration fee and Other non-optional fees may also be payable in addition to the bid price. All lots are offered subject to the Common Auction Conditions and Special Conditions of Sale or Revised Special Conditions of Sale (as applicable) and may include the repayme
Online Auction, including Site For Development Price Information*Guides are provided as an indication of each Seller's minimum expectation. They are not necessarily figures at which a property will sell for and may change at any time prior to Auction. Unless stated otherwise, each Lot will be offered subject to a reserve (a figure below which the Auctioneer cannot sell the Lot during the Auction). We expect the reserve will be set within the guide range or no more than 10% above a single figure guide. Please check our website regularly at, or contact us on 01622 608400, in order to stay fully informed with the up-to-date information. *An Administration fee and Other non-optional fees may also be payable in addition to the bid price. All lots are offered subject to the Common Auction Conditions and Special Conditions of Sale or Revised Special Conditions of Sale (as applicable) and may include the repayment of search and other fees and or co
Online Auction, including Former Hotel For Development Potential Price Information*Guides are provided as an indication of each Seller's minimum expectation. They are not necessarily figures at which a property will sell for and may change at any time prior to Auction. Unless stated otherwise, each Lot will be offered subject to a reserve (a figure below which the Auctioneer cannot sell the Lot during the Auction). We expect the reserve will be set within the guide range or no more than 10% above a single figure guide. Please check our website regularly at, or contact us on 01622 608400, in order to stay fully informed with the up-to-date information. *An Administration fee and Other non-optional fees may also be payable in addition to the bid price. All lots are offered subject to the Common Auction Conditions and Special Conditions of Sale or Revised Special Conditions of Sale (as applicable) and may include the repayment of search and ot
Online Auction, including Five Freehold Garages Which Form Part Of A Larger Block Price Information*Guides are provided as an indication of each Seller's minimum expectation. They are not necessarily figures at which a property will sell for and may change at any time prior to Auction. Unless stated otherwise, each Lot will be offered subject to a reserve (a figure below which the Auctioneer cannot sell the Lot during the Auction). We expect the reserve will be set within the guide range or no more than 10% above a single figure guide. Please check our website regularly at, or contact us on 01622 608400, in order to stay fully informed with the up-to-date information. *An Administration fee and Other non-optional fees may also be payable in addition to the bid price. All lots are offered subject to the Common Auction Conditions and Special Conditions of Sale or Revised Special Conditions of Sale (as applicable) and may include the repayment
Garages 330,331,333 & 334 At Grace Square, Andover, Hampshire
Online Auction, including Four Freehold Garages In A Larger Block Price Information*Guides are provided as an indication of each Seller's minimum expectation. They are not necessarily figures at which a property will sell for and may change at any time prior to Auction. Unless stated otherwise, each Lot will be offered subject to a reserve (a figure below which the Auctioneer cannot sell the Lot during the Auction). We expect the reserve will be set within the guide range or no more than 10% above a single figure guide. Please check our website regularly at, or contact us on 01622 608400, in order to stay fully informed with the up-to-date information. *An Administration fee and Other non-optional fees may also be payable in addition to the bid price. All lots are offered subject to the Common Auction Conditions and Special Conditions of Sale or Revised Special Conditions of Sale (as applicable) and may include the repayment of search and o
Online Auction, including Four Freehold Garages In A Larger Block Price Information*Guides are provided as an indication of each Seller's minimum expectation. They are not necessarily figures at which a property will sell for and may change at any time prior to Auction. Unless stated otherwise, each Lot will be offered subject to a reserve (a figure below which the Auctioneer cannot sell the Lot during the Auction). We expect the reserve will be set within the guide range or no more than 10% above a single figure guide. Please check our website regularly at, or contact us on 01622 608400, in order to stay fully informed with the up-to-date information. *An Administration fee and Other non-optional fees may also be payable in addition to the bid price. All lots are offered subject to the Common Auction Conditions and Special Conditions of Sale or Revised Special Conditions of Sale (as applicable) and may include the repayment of search and o
Garages 13-14, 16-21 & 24 At Colenzo Drive, Andover, Hampshire
Online Auction, including Land With Nine Garages In A Larger Block Price Information*Guides are provided as an indication of each Seller's minimum expectation. They are not necessarily figures at which a property will sell for and may change at any time prior to Auction. Unless stated otherwise, each Lot will be offered subject to a reserve (a figure below which the Auctioneer cannot sell the Lot during the Auction). We expect the reserve will be set within the guide range or no more than 10% above a single figure guide. Please check our website regularly at, or contact us on 01622 608400, in order to stay fully informed with the up-to-date information. *An Administration fee and Other non-optional fees may also be payable in addition to the bid price. All lots are offered subject to the Common Auction Conditions and Special Conditions of Sale or Revised Special Conditions of Sale (as applicable) and may include the repayment of search and
Online Auction, including Three Freehold Garages Which Form Part Of A Larger Block Price Information*Guides are provided as an indication of each Seller's minimum expectation. They are not necessarily figures at which a property will sell for and may change at any time prior to Auction. Unless stated otherwise, each Lot will be offered subject to a reserve (a figure below which the Auctioneer cannot sell the Lot during the Auction). We expect the reserve will be set within the guide range or no more than 10% above a single figure guide. Please check our website regularly at, or contact us on 01622 608400, in order to stay fully informed with the up-to-date information. *An Administration fee and Other non-optional fees may also be payable in addition to the bid price. All lots are offered subject to the Common Auction Conditions and Special Conditions of Sale or Revised Special Conditions of Sale (as applicable) and may include the repaymen
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