Smart home devices aren’t just for tech enthusiasts. They can offer invaluable support for elderly individuals, making their homes safer, more convenient, and easier to manage.
Chief Executive Melanie Leech and a small team from the BPF and UKPA returned last week from a busy MIPIM, where they were flying the flag for the UK property industry.
The Property Institute (TPI) is pleased to collaborate with Property Management Legal Services. Join us from 4th to 6th April 2025 at St. Hugh’s College, Oxford
Councillors in Slough look set to decide on the sale of 23 buildings and plots of land the council owns in its long-running battle to balance the books.
Retail vacancy rates in Farnham, Surrey, increased from 9.15% to 10.46% in the fourth quarter of 2024, with the number of empty units rising from 14 to 16,
This year, Aico celebrates 35 years of innovative technology, and quality alarms and sensors, which has led them to become the European market leader in home life safety.
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