Key Features
The property comprises a self contained single storey industrial unit with the following features:
The property is situated in rural West Sussex approximately 5 ½ miles to the west of the A23 corridor, with easy access to the Mid Sussex towns of Haywards Heath, Burgess Hill and Horsham.
Spinningwood Farm is situated to the south of Horsham with close proximity to both the A281 and the A272 main roads.
Development Potential
Planning permission was granted in 2023 to increase the gross internal floor space by 162 m² by raising the roof and building a first floor extension. DC/23/1895|Extension and modifications to existing light industrial building (Class E), with associated alterations to car parking and servicing areas.
Our client has taken planning advice and they understand that a change of use to C3 (Dwelling Houses) would be likely to be successful.
We understand there are nearby examples of other recent conversions of nearby commercial properties.
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