An exciting opportunity to acquire a well-located contiguous block of mixed woodland comprising of approximately 229.65 acres (92.94ha).
The woodland can be divided into three sections, West Blackmuir wood at the northern end which comprises of mainly commercial Sitka Spruce with some Larch in the crop, a large area of open ground which is subject to a management agreement with a public body and lastly the woodland area to the south which comprises of blocks of native broadleaves and areas of Norway Spruce and Scots Pine.
In addition to the management agreement in place, the aforementioned public body rent a small area for use as a car park and a network of paths over the land and through the woodland. An annual rent is received for both the management agreement and the lease.
The Sitka Spruce is growing well and has a particularly good stocking density. The trees have a uniform height and there is little sign of windblow despite the high winds we have recently experienced. The Sitka Spruce is all 20 years old and has a yield class of 22-24. The Norway Spruce is also growing well and has a good stocking density and uniform height. The Scots Pine and Larch is growing relatively poorly, stocking densities are considered reasonable. The Broadleaves are growing well but have variable stocking densities but on the whole it is generally good
There is a management agreement in place with NatureScot covering approximately 19.25ha of the open ground in the middle of the property. The aim of the agreement is to allow positive management of the area of wetland and peatlands immediately adjacent to Blawhorn Moss SSSI and NNR.
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