A full planning application has been approved (reference: 2023/1359) for 320 units at Brooklands College, Heath Road, Weybridge, KT13 8TT by Elbridge Borough Council. The developers CALA Homes will deliver 305 new build homes (177 private, 128 affordable), and are looking to dispose of the conversion element Brooklands Mansion.
Scheme master plan:
• Upgrade the teaching facilities to create a college of the future that will inspire students and support their learning and skills and enable the college to better serve the needs of the local community;
• Deliver much needed Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) provision within a new purpose-built SEND facility;
• Deliver a new sports centre and community space for the use of the College and the wider local community;
• Generate revenue for the college to pay off substantial debt owed to the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) in order to secure the college’s long-term future;
• Refurbish and renew the site’s significant listed mansion building returning it to its historic residential use and securing its maintenance and upkeep for the future;
• Provide 320 new homes of which 40% will be affordable homes providing a mix of rented housing, shared ownership and discounted first homes;
• Open up 12 hectares of woodland for newly accessible public use.
The scheme will invest £45 million into the College and deliver new homes including 128 affordable homes for local families and a wide range of community benefits including a new Sports Centre, a community hub and public access to 12 hectares of woodland.
The opportunity:
Brooklands Mansion will be a Luxury development of 15 apartments with a total NSA 15,495sqft, each flat will have x1 allocated parking spaces. Set within CALA homes’ master plan for Brooklands College. We have been instructed to seek offers for Brooklands Mansion conversion opportunity in isolation.
Listed Building Consent - Partial demolition and refurbishment of Brooklands Technical College (Brooklands House), including internal alterations associated with the change of use of the building to residential, and external alterations including the re-installation of the clock tower, cupola and the roof glazed cupola to stair tower at roof level and porte-cochere doorway at ground floor level, the replacement of windows and doors, the installation of solar panels at roof level, hard and soft landscaping and other associated works
Offers are invited for Freehold interest, Subject to contact only.
Guide price:
OIRO £4,500,000
By way of appointments only by the sole selling agents.
There will be no section 106 payable by the purchaser.
There is no CIL associated with the Listed Building, but if any CIL becomes payable it will be the purchaser’s responsibility.
The property is elected for VAT.
Further information: (access via data room on request)
• JDW pricing and comparables
• Committee report
• Approved drawings
• Building condition survey
• R&D survey
• Landscape plans
• Indicative red line disposal plan
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