Key Features
Prestwick International Aerospace Park is conveniently located approximately 30 miles south-west of Glasgow city centre and is easily accessible via the M77 motorway or by half-hourly rail services from Glasgow Central Station.
Situated adjacent to Glasgow, Prestwick International Airport the Aerospace Park benefits from its strategic MRO location, enjoys an excellent communications infrastructure and has Assisted Area status.
The subjects comprise seven development plots on a level and fully serviced site in a prominent and well serviced location.
A key element in the development of the Aerospace Park is its physical relationship with Glasgow Prestwick Airport and Runway 13/31.
An essential requirement of the Aerospace Park is that buildings do not compromise the operational safety of the Airport and in particular the Flight Envelope criteria for Runway 13/31.
The buildings that have been constructed on site satisfy the safety criteria for the operation of the airport and provide a clear indication of the height and design of buildings as well as the types of external materials which are acceptable on the Park to satisfy Airport safety and operational considerations.
All buildings proposed for the Aerospace Park will require to be the subject of early consultation with the operations Staff at Glasgow Prestwick Airport.
The site has been granted planning permission for aerospace or airport related development consistent with Use Classes 4,5 and 6 of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Scotland) Order 1997, copies of planning permissions are available to genuinely interested parties on request.
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