Established in 1938, the practice operates predominantly across Surrey, North Hampshire and the South East region with offices in Camberley, Farnham, Weybridge and Woking providing a wide range of property consultancy and management expertise.
Retail vacancy rates in Farnham, Surrey, increased from 9.15% to 10.46% in the fourth quarter of 2024, with the number of empty units rising from 14 to 16,
Curchod & Co, the Surrey-based commercial property expert, has announced an expansion of its business with the acquisition of Hampshire-based firm London Clancy, bringing together two of the best-known names in the Surrey / Hampshire commercial real estate market.
Curchod & Co, instructed by a private landlord, have negotiated a mutually advantageous long term lease re-gear with Oakman Inns over the ‘Lost Boy’, 3 Downing Street, Farnham
Curchod & Co has, for the second year running, won the prestigious title of “Surrey’s most Active Commercial Property Agent”, as selected by Estates Gazette (EG) magazine
As temperatures start to drop and the weather gets harsher, if you haven’t done so already, now is the time to check that your commercial property is winter-proof.
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