Won on appeal: mixed use scheme of retail units and 25 flats in Poole
Posted by Pure Town Planning on 21st October 2019 -
BCP Council (former Borough of Poole): Pure Town Planning are pleased to announce that we have just won another major planning appeal against BCP Council resulting in the grant of planning permission for a large mixed use scheme in the Oakdale area of Poole.
The appeal site is located in the Oakdale local centre on Wimborne Road and currently is occupied by two retail units in a rather dated two storey building. The approved scheme, designed by ARC architecture, involves the demolition of this building and the replacement with a four storey building with two ground floor retail units and twenty five apartments on the upper three floors.
Pure Town Planning negotiated extensively with the Council planners at both pre-application and application stages to eventually secure the support of the planning and highway officers. Unforunately due to local interest the application had to be determined by the planning committee. The members of the planning committee disagreed with their officers and refused the planning application on grounds of the impact on the character and appearance of the area and on lack of car parking leading to a detrimental impact on the vitality and viability of the local centre.

Dan Wilden, director of Pure Town Planning, handled the planning appeal and was successful in persuading the Inspector that the proposal was a good standard of design which would make a positive contribution to the character and appearance of the area. The Inspector also agree that the level of parking was appropriate to shops designed to serve a local need and thus there would be no harm to highway safety or the vitality and viability of the local centre. The Inspector therefore granted full planning permission for the scheme.
If you have recently had a planning application turned down why not speak to Pure Town Planning about your chances on appeal?