
What are the 3 rules for a succeeding career?

Posted by Broomham Recuitment on 21st July 2020 -


1. Don’t sell anything you wouldn’t buy yourself…

To be able to do your job at the highest standard you need to want to buy the product you are working with. Selling something that you have no desire or interest in just calls out negativity. You wouldn’t go out to a shop and buy the ugliest pair of shoes and continue to wear them knowing you deeply disliked them, would you?

Same goes for work. It’s a lot easier to sell something that you would buy yourself. You will have more excitement for it and gives the impression that the product is worth it.

2. Don’t work for anyone you don’t respect and admire…

Think about it. How often do we work here and there, then jump ship again and again, only to find ourselves in that job down the line that wasn't really what we wanted? Along the way we miss the bigger opportunities to work for someone admirable--someone with the power to push our careers forward, faster than we would do on our own.

Having the best boss is the best incentive of all. Good bosses inspire employees to give it their best. They genuinely care about their team and this makes all the difference in building relationships and commitment. Employees can determine your authenticity in your actions. It is so basic, and it is sad that many managers don’t get this.

3. Work only with people you enjoy…

Being happy at work and loving what you do is an overall productivity booster and enhances performance. People who enjoy their jobs are more likely to learn faster, stay motivated, make fewer mistakes, and have better business decisions. Working with people with shared interests in personal life also means you can have more of a social at work and still work productively. Going out for frequent Friday beers organizing events and doing things out of work as a team is proven for an overall happier working environment.

So, the real question is, are you really that happy where you are? Are you having ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ about your current workplace?

There are so many opportunities out there and you should never feel stuck. This is the best time to be think about starting a fresh and working for a company you are passionate about!

Broomham Recruitment

Broomham Recruitment specialises in Estate Agency, Property and Sales recruitment; from Trainee to Management, Marketing to Financial Services, Conveyancing to Administrative, Business Development and pretty much everything in between .

Link to Broomham Recuitment business profile

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