Pure Town Planning- Approved: Replace existing bungalow with 3 detached dwellings at Gravel Hill, Poole
Posted by Pure Town Planning on 13th September 2019 -
BCP Council: Matt Annen, Director of Pure Town Planning is pleased to share news of a recent planning permission he has secured for the demolition of an existing bungalow and the erection of three detached 4-bedroom family dwellings on a corner site on Gravel Hill in Poole.
This scheme was designed by local architects; Anders Roberts Cheer who cleverly arranged 3 detached dwellings on this large triangular shaped plot. The proposed dwellings have a similar alignment to the adjoining properties, replicating the existing building line. They are two storey and of a similar design, scale and height to the adjacent dwellings along Gravel Hill. The Planning officer noted in her report that whilst the spacing between the dwellings would be narrower than the existing dwellings, there would still be adequate separation to ensure that the dwellings would sit comfortably of their plots.
The application was supported by one of PTP’s comprehensive Design, Access and Planning statements which eloquently set out how the proposal would provide sufficient land to enable a type, scale and layout of development, including parking and usable amenity space to preserve the area’s residential character. The report demonstrated how neighbouring amenity would not be materially harmed and how highway safety would be preserved. Other than a request for a minor tweak to visibility splays the planning officer did not require any amendments during the planning process which is testament to the well thought out, presented and supported planning submission. This meant that the approval was received in under 2 months from the registration date, which is pretty good going in the current climate which has seen LPA’s experiencing a lack of resources and many applications suffering extensive delays.