Pizza Express, 109 Poole Road, Westbourne
Posted by Trinity Architecture Limited on 9th May 2019 -
This conversion of a former building society to restaurant use was challenging in many ways. Firstly, its busy and confined urban location in a Conservation Area, at the end of an existing terrace, abutting the public highway on all elevations and secondly, the necessary excavation of the basement to give the required ceiling heights for food storage, toilets and office facilities. Load bearing walls and piers were removed internally at ground floor level to create open areas. Structural steelwork was then installed to support the residential accommodation above. The existing shopfronts and entrance doors were retained as they provide a visual connection with the existing public realm.
In general, the development is considered sympathetic in terms of its scale, character, materials and layout and is entirely appropriate to the surrounding area. It is compatible with an established pattern of commercial development within the area.