New national design guide published
Posted by Planning House on 11th October 2019 -
The National Planning Policy Framework makes clear that creating high quality buildings and places is fundamental to what the planning and development process should achieve. The National Design Guide published today by the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government seeks to illustrate how well-designed places that are beautiful, enduring and successful can be achieved in practice. It forms part of the Government’s collection of planning practice guidance and should be read alongside the separate planning practice guidance on design process and tools.
The focus of this design guide is on good design in the planning system, so it is primarily for:
■ local authority planning officers, who prepare local planning policy and guidance and assess the quality of planning applications;
■ councillors, who make planning decisions;
■ applicants and their design teams, who prepare applications for planning permission; and
■ people in local communities and their representatives.

The design guide introduces 10 characteristics for well designed places as set out in the diagram and explained in depth in the design guide.
The Design Guide states that a National Model Design Code, will be published setting out detailed standards for key elements of successful design. This will be subject to consultation and consider the findings of the Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission who are due to publish their final report in December 2019.
The National Model Design Code will set a baseline standard of quality and practice across England which local planning authorities will be expected to take into account when developing local design codes and guides and when determining planning applications.