Monitoring Smartscape Urban Greening Projects with Airly air quality tools
Posted by Scotscape on 14th August 2020 -
We talk a lot about the power of plants to clean the air to our clients and partners.
If you are an architect, landscape architect, property developer or commercial business specifying plants in the form of living walls, roof terrace planting, green roofs, living pillars or any urban greening scheme- you may need some facts and figures to justify capital expenditure.
Perhaps you are required to meet BREEAM regulations, Well Building Standards or deliver positive people focused CSR strategies.
Knowing that you require solid evidence we are working with air sensor specialists Airly, and can offer air quality monitoring to your project, enabling us to recommend the best horticultural content to bring genuine air quality improvements.
Airly creates innovative and effective tools for measuring air quality. Providing the most reliable, real-time data about air pollution to the largest possible number of people.
Sensors, apps, reporting, data, live customer data comprise the suite of Airly products – creating a global air quality map.
The Scotscape Airly device is located at our HQ on one of our living pillars, we can access a live reading daily of our air quality and form just part of the Airly Global Network.
Click here to see a snapshot of our Airly reading today

What are the benefits of monitoring your air quality?
- providing real-time information about air quality
-deliver 24h air quality forecast -pointing the sources of air pollution
-showing relation between air quality and pollution absorption
-proving air quality improvement with Smartscape installations
What are the benefits of air quality monitoring to your business?
-Creating social impact
-Bringing new content
-Adding value