
Land Sold to Barratt Homes for 574 Properties

Posted by UK Property Forums on 4th July 2024 -


The property consultancy achieved planning permission for 574 homes on the 38.2-hectare site, known as Knight’s Hill, in November 2023.

The homes will include 108 affordable properties while 30 per cent of the site will be retained as public open space, including woodland, allotments, play areas, a football pitch and wildflower meadows. A  further 10 per cent will be retained as ecological mitigation zones. The new development will encourage active travel through the provision of cycle and pedestrian links throughout.

Toby Lambert, head of residential development (East) and a partner in Carter Jonas’ Cambridge office, said: “We are extremely pleased to have completed the sale of this site to enable the new community to go ahead.

“It is a scheme with which Carter Jonas has been closely involved – gaining the original allocation in the Site Allocations and Development Plan in 2015, achieving outline consent at Inquiry in July 2020, and full planning consent in November 2023 – and now culminating in this successful sale.

“We look forward to seeing Knight’s Hill emerge as an attractive, sustainable community, one which will go some way to addressing the housing shortage in this part of west Norfolk.”

A spokesperson for Barratt and David Wilson Homes Cambridgeshire, said: “We would like to thank Carter Jonas for its support in the planning of the Knight’s Hill development. We’re very much looking forward to delivering a range of homes to the area, as well as supporting the local economy.”

Matthew Battle

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