
If You Can’t Measure It, You Can’t Improve It

Posted by ContactBuilder on 2nd November 2020 -


In the business world it is all about the bottom line. Yes, you want to ensure that your buyers are getting a high-quality new home, to their standards and yours, but ultimately, if you aren’t making money you don’t have the capital you need to build more homes. 

A lead management and CRM system is exactly what’s needed to help your entire team make the most out of each lead and potential buyer, whether it’s a successful sale or the wealth of marketing data collected from every lead. Don’t let reporting and results analysis fall to the bottom of your to do list!

A CRM should have a comprehensive reporting suite included, a suite that allows you to access data and statistics regarding sales progression, sales and marketing, administration and management. It would be hugely beneficial to know what every report can do for your business and to make use of the data collected. If you can’t or don’t measure something, how can you expect to improve it? 

The biggest piece of advice ContactBuilder can give is to choose a system that allows for easy and comprehensive reporting on your sales pipeline. Are you currently tracking the time frame between reservation and exchange? Any day past 28 days costs money, as you well know. How many visits are needed to make a sale? Is there a system of accountability in place to track who is doing what and when? If your CRM system doesn’t easily allow the tracking of these things, maybe it’s time for an upgrade to ContactBuilder? 

Dorne Wood, sales manager for ContactBuilder says, “CRM reporting doesn’t have to be a time-consuming, arduous process, but it does need to exist and evolve to enable businesses to improve in the ever-competitive housebuilder market place.”

ContactBuilder is a cloud based electronic lead capture and evaluation system built specifically for UK housebuilders. Being web-based, ContactBuilder does not involve additional investment as most offices already have internet ready PCs and an internet connection. It’s also a completely mobile CRM, meaning information can be accessed from any internet ready device. As it requires little or no capital investment, this lead management and CRM system will become an essential part of your housebuilder marketing strategy, just as it has for our client, Alison Gittins from HomesHub,

“Using ContactBuilder has transformed our sales progression and now it is much easier to know where each case is up to and to monitor performance. The team has found it easy to use and means everyone in the team knows where each sale is up to. It’s a really simple and effective system which I would recommend to anyone.”

Dorne Wood

ContactBuilder is the leading and longest-established software package that offers seamlessly integrated control over the build, marketing, sales, and aftercare processes.

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